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Friday, January 23, 2015

PTBCD: Post Traumatic Boot Camp Disorder

Nah, honestly, looking back, it wasn't that bad. It sure felt like it at the time though. During my undergrad I got used to having my least little effort rewarded, but grad school is definitely more of a challenge--and I really need to be challenged sometimes.

Now I've started my first online class (LIS501 with Dr. Linda Smith) and it seems like it's going to be fun. I like using Blackboard (totally attended class in my pajamas on Tuesday night), and Dr. Smith seems like a great instructor!

Another thing that's been great is that I work with so many people who have gone through the program (my supervisor at Westmont Library is actually finishing up the LEEP program right now!) and they have lots of really good advice for me.

I'm still not sure what I want my focus to be, though. I'm thinking I might just take whatever classes appeal to me and worry about it later, lol. I'm torn: I have actually come to love working with people, even the "problem" people we get at public libraries. I'm pretty good at diffusing conflict and listening to everyone's problems. I get a lot of satisfaction out of helping people find something they need or giving them the tools to get something done. Besides, so much tech services work is being outsourced nowadays. I love working with materials, but I don't know if the job would be what I would expect it to be. Maybe I should just stick with what I know and keep doing adult services in public libraries? Hmmmm. This clearly needs a lot more thought. Feel free to weigh in if you have an opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I will admit that I now feel so much better. I never realized how much I miss being inside a classroom. I thrive off that interaction. So I might actually take classes on campus my last semester before graduation because online just doesn't cut it for me. I love the freedom but it is almost too free for me. I feel you should go with what you know for sure but it is okay to explore your options.
